By: Robert E. Zink
May 6, 2024
My wife and I have spent more of our married life living overseas than we have in the United States, and for a good portion of that time, we were without our own car. It forced us to rely on public transportation, which turned out to be a great witnessing opportunity for us. Through that experience, we learned that the Lord's pairing of us made for evangelistic opportunities. Shy by nature, starting a conversation was difficult for her, but once it was started, she could carry it and direct it much better than I could. Yet, it was much easier for me to initiate the discussion. Therefore, in a cab or on a bus, the Lord used me to launch a conversation, and He used her to direct the conversation, allowing us to share the gospel together.
As the years have passed, I've found that our struggles are not uncommon. It does not seem to matter the context, culture, or condition, many Christians struggle first to initiate a conversation, but also how to direct a conversation towards a gospel-sharing opportunity. Though the ultimate discussion depends upon an individual's personal attempt and the supreme work of the Holy Spirit, I want to share with you some questions you can use to start and/or direct a conversation toward the life-saving, life-transforming work of the gospel. Allow me to divide these questions into three categories, beginning with some questions meant to provoke a general conversation.
None of these questions is evangelistic in nature by themselves. However, they are meant, first, to provoke conversation. In doing so, the hope is that some of the answers given might lead you toward a direction to arrive at the gospel at some point as well.
There are times when it is more necessary to jump right in towards the gospel. Here are some questions specifically curated for creating an opportunity for that conversation in those cases.
These are straightforward questions that require a thoughtful response from the person you are speaking to. However, if you are careful not to let the conversation drift toward tertiary issues, they should create an immediate opportunity to launch into the gospel.Sometimes, though, the hardest conversations are with those you know more deeply. They may know you go to church and show a lack of interest, yet you have a heart burdened for them. Those conversations get harder because you want to be thoughtful and loving, honor the Lord, and preserve the relationship for further opportunities in the future. So, how do you approach those conversations? Consider some of the following questions.
These questions are meant to be more profound and structured so that you can have multiple conversations with someone. In some ways, maybe these questions seem basic. Yet, sometimes, we need just a bit of help or suggestion to get things moving. Sharing the gospel is intimidating, and being prepared with prompts can help you share if you are willing to be used by God. That's where it starts, though . . . with your willingness to stake the first step and simply start the conversation.